Thursday, January 1, 2009

Top 50 Ancient History Blogs

Jessica Merritt at "Learn-Gasm," which is associated with "," has posted the top 50 ancient history blogs. This very blog, Antiquitopia, is listed under the heading of "general antiquity." I am sort of surprised to make the top 50, but won't complain.

I was happy to see some of the people I regularly read:
Thoughts on Antiquity listed under general antiquity as well
Paleojudaica by Jim Davila under ancient religion. Jim, by the way, has posted that he finds some of the choices odd, being disappointed not to see Mark Goodacre's New Testament Gateway.
Forbidden Gospels by April DeConick under ancient religion

I also have looked at the other ancient religion blogs from time to time.

The blogs are also categorized under "Ancient Items and Archaeology," "Technology," "Locations," "Periods," and "Ancient Life and Language."

You can look at blogs on ancient transportation, ancient science, etc. So, if you have stumbled on my site, you might find some of these others of interest as well.

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